Saturday, May 28, 2011

Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever has been spread throughout Whole Bangladesh in  epidemic  from Each and everyone of our country is panicky due to this dangerous disease. Scarcity of bed is found in hospitals and clinic. Dengue is R.N.A flabby viral extreme fever. An African female mosquito name 'Aedes  Egypty' carries the germ of this disease. It lays eggs in stagnant water of any place. There are tow types of Dengue fever Classical and Hemorrhagic. Dengue virus has four serotypes. They are DEN-1, DEN-2,DEN-3,DEN-4. Any of them can cause Dengue fever. But Den-2 and Den-3 are too much dangerous. These two serotypes are responsible for most serious Hemorrhagic  Dengue fever. Classical  Dengue fever  is not so serious like Hemorrhagic. the symptoms of classical Dengue fever are high fever, vomit, stomach-pain, excess headache, pain at joint of bones . So it is called Break bone fever. Anyone recovers from it within 3/4 days. Sometimes patient  feels weak and  aversion. But Hemorrhagic Dengue fever often causes death of patient. The symptoms of classical Dengue fever become extreme in this case.

Bleeding continues with these symptoms. Specially bleeding causes from gum and nose. Congealed blood and ruddiness circle are seen under skin. It causes blood-vomit. Congealed blood in white portion of eyes is found. Black blood goes with stool. Internal blood can be caused even in brain and heart. It causes 'hypovomunic shock' which may cause patients death . Dengue fever is not an infectious disease. Still effective treatment has  not come out. Doctors prescribe medicine for pain and vomit. Sometimes saline is pushed through vain. But it's enough at all. Actually prevention is better than cure is perfect is Dengue fever.The only way is to control and destroy Aedes ,  mosquitoes . To do so, we should keep our surroundings neat and clean and free of stagnant water. Dengue patient will take normal and liquid food and sufficient water repeatedly. ft each and everyone become conscious, Dengue fever must be destroyed from our country. 


  1. Thanks sharing with this good information. Dengue Fever is sickness and its virus spread by the mosquito Aedes. Below article do share some Dengue Fever Remedy which will help the patient. See the article at:

  2. This is a wonderful paragraph. I am really appreciated to get this paragraph.Thank you.

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